Schedule Start-Stop VMs SOP[1061]

Schedule Start-Stop VMs SOP[1061]

SOP No: AZ-004

SOP Title: Schedule VM start and Stop

Review Date: Insert Date

SOP Number


SOP Title

 Schedule VM start and Stop







Ankit Jain

Cloud Engineer

First Reviewer 

Varun Kumar

Product Manager Trainee

Second Reviewer 




Effective Date:

Effective Time:


Other Essential SOPs

  • NONE


This SOP shows how to Schedule VM start and Stop. Please read thoroughly before executing the steps.


Information to be captured

  • Resource Group Name
  • VM Name
  • Minimum Global Administrator access/ User Access Administrator (For Automation Account Creation only)
  • For Managing Automation Account you can use Contributor Right 

Steps Involved:

Step 1: Go to and login to the account in which you want to implement the Start-Stop schedular.

Step 2: In the search bar above, search for Automation Accounts. 

Step3: Create an Automation Account, if not exist already.

Step 4: Create a RunAs Automation account. Click + Sign and fill following details ( Please note you need minimum Global Administrator rights to create this account, use the Global administrator login only) Fill in Name you want, select Desired RG and location. Make sure RunAs Account should be “Yes” and then click create   

Step 5: Under Process Automation, click Runbooks

Step 6:  click “Browse Gallery” 

Step7: Import Graphical Runbook “Start Azure V2 VMs” and click on “Import”

Step 7: Go back to Runbooks section under Process Automation and open the imported Runbook from the list 

Step 8: Click “Edit” and then click “Publish”

Step 9: Now click on “Link to Schedule” 

Step 10: Create a Schedule for the VM, Select first option

Create a Schedule

Enter Desired Values

Enter Schedule Name (This should be like this “<VM name>-Start” and description

Select the date and enter the time 

Select the Time zone (IST if Indian client)

Select recurrence 

Lets say schedule may run Mon – Fri 10:00 AM 

Select Date accordingly and time 10:00 AM

Recurrence should be as snap below

Click Create 

Step 10: Now select the second option to set parameters values

Step 11: enter VM name and Resource Group name

“AzureconnectionAssetName” should left as blank and click ok, ( Start schedular created)

Step 12: Repeat steps from Step no 5 to 11 but this time import Stop Schedular script from Gallery 

This one.

Rest steps are same.


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